Friday, January 3, 2020


There have been several times that I've started something new and thought "I should blog about this journey." I never have. And then either the end comes and I wish I had....or I never finish and I forget completely. That's common.

This time I'm doing it. I don't have much to say yet; this journey is in it's infancy. But yes, I've started up with Isagenix. A friend of mine loves it, and hosted a "shake and bake" where we decorated the cookies she had baked and were given samples of the shakes. I happened to have just gotten my Christmas bonus at work, so she hit me up at the right time. (Plus, the cookie decorating was cathartic.)

I am currently 239 pounds. I am 5'9" (formerly 5'10" 😕 ). I am big boned and will never be stick thin, and I'm good with that. I don't wanna be. But this...this is too much. I've had four babies, and each one was bigger than the last, culminating with my last being over 11lbs. I have diastasis recti, which I'm currently (sorta) researching unique exercises for, since apparently, and annoyingly, all the crunch-type exercises are bad for it. Grr.

This blog will be super honest. I'll share what I eat, and my feelings about it. You'll get the real "skinny" on Isagenix. Ha. And if no one reads it, it'll be a record for me.

But I know two things:
1: that, although I'm really, really bad at finishing projects like these, this crap is expensive and I don't want to have wasted my money.
2: it tastes better than just about any other protein powder I've tried (except maybe EAS powder, but you can't buy that anymore, and it's not as healthy as this stuff).
3: I don't want this tummy anymore. It's stupid. It's not serving me well. And I picture myself without it and I LOVE that picture. I want to fix this problem THIS YEAR. (Plus, I have two potential weddings and a college reunion coming up. I want to SLAY THEM.)

That's 3 and I said two. It's okay, it's my blog. Talk to you later.

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